

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

Hello, ESL 012 Students!



We are now working on two pieces of writing in our class wiki: the group DC project essays and the individual culture essays.

 Please go to our other wiki to complete your assignment for the Cross Cultural Project. The URL is http://yksiberia.pbwiki.com



DC Essays



  The Jefferson Memorial


Read the comments of the Dallas students and of their instructor Dr. Weasenforth.


Then make any final revisions to your essay in your wiki.


Then print it out (You will have to cut and paste it into MS Word so that it has the correct format including doublespacing) and bring it to class along with the evaluation form (found on page 59 of your writing packet) on November 6th.


Also write up your reaction to the comments you received from the Dallas students and instructor. What was useful? What was not useful? This does not need to be a formal essay. It should be a simple reaction piece. You may e-mail it to me or print it out and bring it to class on Tuesday.




Dallas Essays


Here is the URL for the companion site, the Dallas essays: http://wikidallas.pbwiki.com/



Dallas Skyline



Individual Culture Essays


Machu Picchu



Revise your essay in the wiki. I will do the final check after December 2.  Make sure that you include a photo or a link to a photo on the Web. See the Checklist in the Sidebar.


Dr. Meloni




Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 2:47 pm on Nov 25, 2007

Hi Dr.Meloni,

I am sorry to have missed class on Tuesday, I was very ill, I am getting much better now.

I saw the the resturant you went with your friends. Murayo;s Grek resturant. You all seem enjoying eachother.
I love Greek food, thank you for your recomendation. I am looking forward in going with my friends some time soon.

You also shared your experieance with your friends from collage in Cafe Berlin. That is nice. You are great in having fun with your friends. I like that.

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