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Seble - Ethiopia

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago
                  Every country has its own attractive places for people to visit.  Ethiopia is one of the most ancient countries in the eastern part of Africa.    The country is well known for its religious sites as well as historical monuments. Among those are Axum, Lalibella and Fasiladas.  
                 The first historical place is Aksum. It is located in the Northern part of Ethiopia in Tigray province (state).  Aksum is monuments which are made of single blocks of granite and most of them are now on the ground due to age but the height of the tallest one is over 33 meters.   Axsum is also well known as the place for the true Ark of the Covenant.   The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred container made of stone tablets on which Moses wrote the Ten Commandments of God.  
                   The second historical place is Lalibela constructed by Emperor Lalibela of Ethiopia in the 12th century.  According to the legend, prince Lalibela during his three-day coma was transported by angels to different kingdoms of heaven where God told him to return to Roha and build churches. During this time he received instructions to build a replica of Jerusalem in the capital Roha Northern part of Ethiopia. God also told Lalibela how to design the churches, where to build them and how to decorate them. The 12 churches are said to have been built with great speed because angels continued the work at night. The churches are unique and a great symbol for all Ethiopian Christians.  Because they are a replica of Jerusalem (the greatest holy city) and shows Ethiopians' extraordinary skill in stone working in the 12th century. Today, the churches of Lalibela are considered the eighth wonder of the world.
            Fasiladas is the third one. It is a castle was built by Emperor Fasil in the 16th century. It has huge towers and fenced walls. Like Axsum, Fasiladas also reflects Ethiopians’ skill in stone work.  The Enqulal Gemb (EggCastle) the egg-shaped arched roof is one of the amazing parts of the castle which attract tourists’ attention both from outside & inside of Ethiopia


            In general to conclude, the history of Ethiopia is rich and ancient; the whole historic area is amazing, and a pleasure to be in. 

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 12:50 am on Oct 11, 2007

Hey Seble,
I think that there is no thesis of statement in your first paragraph.

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