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Washington Monument: Outline

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago



By Ociel, He, and Maholaroeun





                                                                                                            Final Draft



Children always say that Washington Monument looks like a pencil. You can take an elevator to the top and see a wonderful view of our nation. Last week we visited the Washington Monument. When we got to the Washington Monument, we were very excited because we enjoyed physical and social environment.

The Washington Monument is located in Washington, DC our Nation's Capital. It was built in honor of George Washington. When we walked toward the Monument, the building was fascinating. Its shape looked really like a pencil that the children say. Green grass and fifty flags surrounded the base of the Washington Monument.  We approached it. The walls of the monument were composed of white marble. Therefore, no matter which point of view, the Washington Monument was very magnificent. When we came into the Washington Monument, the inner walls were set with many carved memorial stones. They were presented by individuals, states and other countries.  Not necessary: We heard that a breathtaking view was the top of the Monument. Not clear: We took more than one minute elevator ride to the top. Why not: We took a 70-second elevator ride to the top where we found Delete:The top is a small space with little windows. The windows face in each direction. Delete: When we stood on the top, the Monument lies at the very center of Washington D.C. The Monument in its To the north is the White House; its east are the Capital and Smithsonian buildings; its south is the Jefferson memorial; its west is Lincoln Memorials; If you look further, you'll see a lot of beautiful views such as the Potomac river, and other tall buildings around.  The view was very grand.

The Monument is magnificent with its fascinating history. Therefore it attracted many people from all over the world. Each visitor to the Washington Monument has his or her own reason for visiting. Some students’ purpose was the same to us. They were enticed by curiosity to visit it. Many foreign visitors were experiencing the Washington Monument for the first time. They may want to learn more about this country’s culture. They stood in its shadow and were surprised about the tallest structure in the city. Therefore, when they left the Monument, they took many pictures for permanent impression. Most of residents of the surrounding suburbs took their family and friends to visit. They were returning to share with their fond memories.  At that time, all people were enjoying Washington Monument's splendors and cultural.

Moreover, The Washington monument is the historical architecture because it's a symbol of the US nation on the victorious and the beginning of the United States' liberty and freedom. Therefore, the magnificent of the Washington monument is an attractive place for all people over the world for its socialize and physically visit because of it's wonderful structures carried the most valuable and scene of spirit of the freedom. In people's mind, the Washington monument is the priceless building that stands tall and represents for the city of the United States of America.  

The Washington Monument is one of Washington most popular tourist attractions, not only it showed it’s magnificent, but also we enjoyed American history atmosphere. We are very interested in being tourist in the Washington Monument. We highly recommend tourists to visit the Washington Monument because it is a place that is really worth visiting.




Comments (5)

Anonymous said

at 12:02 am on Oct 6, 2007

i think that the leader didnt say anything because he was en charge of putting the assay online

Anonymous said

at 6:51 pm on Oct 15, 2007

There is lack of physical description and conclusion between the physical description and social description. Rest of the thing is fine. Only in the children's view it looks like pencil not to us?

Anonymous said

at 9:58 pm on Oct 16, 2007

Don Weasenforth: You mention that visitors have different reasons for visiting the Washington Monument, and you also mention that you were enticed to visit it. What are these reasons? You note only one reason: to learn about the culture of the US. What can one learn there about US culture?

Anonymous said

at 4:32 pm on Oct 29, 2007

Ociel and He, I like your choice of sites, but I think you could better describe it. Why is the Washington Monument so "fascinating" and the view from the top of it so interesting? I find this monument stately, but not fascinating; I think the Vietnam Memorial or the National Museum of Art are fascinating. Do you find it fascinating because of its history or its association with George Washington? It's been quite a while since I visited this site, so I don't remember the view from the top. Actually, I was a kid and didn't see much at all. "Sell me" on going back to the Washington Monument, especially since there are so many other sites to see in DC.

Anonymous said

at 9:04 pm on Nov 2, 2007

Ociel and He I add something to describe some part that may help to link to the comment that we lacked of, so if you think that the part that I added to is not fit to the whole essay that you guys described you are also can edit all what I said.

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