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Wiki Punctuation Exercise

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

            Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill.  Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Henry wanted to see it  too.  They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus.  Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too.  He said to Bill “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”.


Comments (14)

Anonymous said

at 5:41 pm on Sep 24, 2007

Although, Henry was very tired he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie, Henry wanted to see it, too. They drove to the movie theater in Bills’ new car. Bill was very proud of it, because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright, red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous, because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car, too. He said to Bill: “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours.”

Anonymous said

at 6:37 pm on Sep 24, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Henry wanted to see it, too. They drove to the movie theater in Bills’ new car. Bill was very proud of it because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright, red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car, too. He said to Bill: “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours.”

Anonymous said

at 9:41 pm on Sep 26, 2007

I don't see any error.

Anonymous said

at 10:24 pm on Sep 27, 2007

This article has no mistakes.

Anonymous said

at 12:25 am on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Henry wanted to see it, too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car, because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that, he should buy a new car. He asked Bill,“Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”

Anonymous said

at 12:54 am on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie; Henry wanted to see it too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too. He said to Bill: “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”

Anonymous said

at 8:06 am on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie; Henry wanted to see it , too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car, too. He said to Bill,“Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”

Anonymous said

at 7:13 pm on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie; Henry wanted to see it too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car, because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too. He said to Bill “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”

Anonymous said

at 8:47 pm on Sep 28, 2007

There is no mistake in this exercise!

Anonymous said

at 8:51 pm on Sep 28, 2007

Although, Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie, Henry wanted to see it too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car, because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright, red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too. He said to Bill “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”.

Anonymous said

at 9:19 pm on Sep 28, 2007

i think that it doesn;t have any mistakes

Anonymous said

at 9:31 pm on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Henry wanted to see it too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car, because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too. He said to Bill “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”.

Anonymous said

at 11:36 pm on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired, he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Henry wanted to see it too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car because it was the first car he had ever bought. It was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too. He said to Bill “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”.

Anonymous said

at 11:56 pm on Sep 28, 2007

Although Henry was very tired he decided to go to the movies with his friend Bill. Bill wanted to see the latest Harry Potter movie, and Henry wanted to see it too. They drove to the movie theater in Bill's new car. Bill was very proud of his car because it was the first car he had ever bought; it was a bright red Ford Taurus. Henry was jealous because he had an old car that was always breaking down. Henry decided that he should buy a new car too, so he said to Bill: “Where can I find a beautiful car like yours?”

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